Optional Case Styles, Optional Features, Accessories |
Model Description: |
Optional Case Styles |
500X Series, 600C, 700 Series, 760B, 765B & 766SS, D80 Series, 800 Series, 800LF Series |
Optional Features |
Windows, Red Set Hand, Maximum Registering Pointers, Electric Contacts, Weatherproofed Cases, Pressure Relief Plugs, Silicone Dampened Movements, Capillary Tube Bleeders, Snubber Screws & Restrictors, Alternate Fill Fluids, Recalibration and Certification |
Accessories |
Impulse Dampeners, Pressure Snubbers, Coil Syphons, Needle Valves, Ball Valves, Gauge Cocks, Pointer Jack, Test Kits, Test Plugs & Accessories |
Benifits and Features : |
Enhancements to customize and optimize pressure gauge performance, along with the necessary accessories to complete any installation. |